What is wrong with people
What is wrong with people
who vote against their future
they vote for fast talking clowns
who turn out to be slimy losers
conservative hacks that send
their children to wars in sandy hells
all for the greedy corporations
that pay our representatives well
what is wrong with news media
that reports lies as if they're facts
and that refuses to do the research
because it's easier to work as hacks
they report to confuse us
and they report just to sell
all for greedy corporations
that pay the reporters very well
They work for world corporations
who don’t want us to know
our water is filled with mercury
and the north pole has no snow
what is wrong with politicians
they are working for themselves
taking kickbacks from contractors
who can't build a level shelf
big business pays the prostitutes
who put their votes up for sale
to make it easy for them to flourish
while the mom and pops all fail
What is wrong with you people
who say you hate the government
you march in anger in the streets
protesting my small unemployment
which I feel fortunate to receive
because the stooges you voted for
did nothing to keep my job here
so I’m stuck in a Wal-Mart store
what is wrong with the politician
who answers to the lobbyists?
What is wrong with the voter
who votes in blissful ignorance?
what is wrong with the corporations
who merely want to own my ass?
What is wrong with the rest of us
for not raising hell and fighting back?
If I were rewriting this, I'd choose the better points and focus the writing. And maybe find a way to make some kind of refrain turning it into lyrics. But I'm a lazy bastard. Some might say I'm a filthy son of a ditch digger.